Good Putting Drills- Ready to Sharpen Your Stroke?

This guide dives straight into a no-frills collection of putting drills designed for golfers seeking immediate improvements on the greens. The emphasis is on clear, actionable steps that boost accuracy and consistency without becoming weighed down by unnecessary theory.

Inside, you will discover drills broken down into simple instructions that can be integrated into your practice routine right away. Each exercise focuses on honing core skills such as distance control and rhythm, giving you the tools to sharpen your putting stroke efficiently.

Essential Putting Drills

Ball Collision Drill

Begin by placing two golf balls on the green so that the centers of each ball are approximately 18 inches apart. This setup creates a concise window where your first ball must travel directly into the second, encouraging a controlled and precise motion. Position yourself stably behind the initial ball, aligning your putter so that it’s aimed for a square collision. Use a smooth, deliberate stroke, delivering just enough pace to ensure the rolling ball contacts the stationary one. Observe the strike carefully; if the putt misses its target, reset the balls in the same position and try again. Repeating this process allows you to monitor any subtle breakdowns in your stroke and refine your ability to hit the center of the clubface.

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Circular Drop Drill

This exercise combines distance control with consistent accuracy while steadily increasing the level of difficulty. Place five or six golf balls around the hole, keeping each one between three and four feet away. Adopt your normal setup for each putt, ensuring that you align yourself precisely as if you were out on the course. Once all the balls have been holed, step back a couple of feet from the original circle and arrange the balls again in a neat formation around the cup. Continue putting from this new distance until each ball is holed, then repeat by stepping back at measured intervals. This gradual movement away from the hole not only trains your eye but also highlights the small adjustments needed for pace control at increasing distances.

Drill Variations for Added Challenge

Altering Your Stroke Pace

An effective way to keep practice sessions engaging is to adjust the speed of your stroke. In the Ball Collision Drill, slowing your tempo refines your feel for the clubface striking the ball. Alternatively, accelerating the stroke can mimic faster green conditions and increase the demand on your focus. By treadling between slower and faster tempos, you build a versatile stroke that adapts more comfortably to the variety of greens you might encounter.

Targeting Consecutive Success

For those motivated by a competitive edge, setting a target for consecutive successful putts can add invigorating tension. During the Circular Drop Drill, count each successful hole-out and aim to surpass your personal record. Even a modest target of back-to-back makes can bolster your confidence, while also giving your routine a clear purpose. Tracking your streak from session to session reveals your level of progression over time.

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Hit Longer, More Accurate Drivers

Say goodbye to missed shots, Slices, and mishits. With his method, you'll effortlessly add 20-40 yards of precise distance to your shots, along with the confidence to consistently make perfect contact

Introducing Timed Challenges

Adding time constraints to your drills places you in a more pressurized setting, akin to competitive play. By timing how long it takes to complete a certain number of putts, you learn to cope with the feeling of a ticking clock and train yourself to maintain composure. As you reduce the allotted time, you refine the ability to transition swiftly between each shot while maintaining accuracy and control.

Building a Cohesive Putting Practice Routine

Starting Warm-Up with the Ball Collision Drill

A structured putting session often begins with focused refinement of your stroke. By starting with the Ball Collision Drill, you spend your first few minutes ensuring your stroke is smooth and precise. Monitoring how cleanly the rolling ball strikes the stationary one sharpens your feedback loop right away. This warm-up phase helps settle your nerves and prompts you to pay close attention to aim, alignment, and contact from the outset.

Focusing on Distance Control with the Circular Drop Drill

Once warmed up, you can shift to the Circular Drop Drill to further develop your distance control from short range. By placing several golf balls around the hole at an initial distance of three to four feet, you practice reading short putts from different angles. Each time you clear the circle, step back another two feet to raise the difficulty level, reinforcing the importance of consistent swing length and tempo. The methodical process of placing the balls in a new circle after each successful round nurtures patience and a structured approach to tackling putts of increasing distance.

Enhancing Challenges with Drill Variations

After establishing a steady routine, integrating variations such as altered stroke pace or timed challenges pushes you to react to new conditions. These slight modifications help you transition from a basic repetition of drills to dynamic, game-like scenarios. By dedicating a portion of your session to tackling these variations, you stay engaged and focused for a longer period. This thoughtful layering of difficulty preserves the fundamentals you have been working on while ensuring your practice remains challenging and motivating.

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The Ball Collision Drill builds a foundation for precision by demanding a flawless connection between two closely positioned balls. Committing to smooth, deliberate strokes in this exercise ensures that each putt maintains a direct, purposeful path.

The Circular Drop Drill reinforces both accuracy and distance control by gradually extending your range in small intervals. When you add further challenges—like varying stroke speeds, chasing consecutive successes, or using a timer—you evolve these foundational drills into powerful practice tools. By focusing on consistent repetitions and straightforward adjustments, you’ll steadily transform your putting game, setting the stage for ongoing improvement and lower scores.

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